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The reading in my devotions this morning was labeled "USE WHAT YOU HAVE!


God has given each of us unique gifts to use throughout our lives on this planet. Some of us know what our gifts are; some know their gifts but are so intrigued by others that they follow their gifts; some learn their gifts at a young age and others late in life. My question is what is your gift?  How do you use it (as it was intended to bless others as well as yourself)?


Remember that saying "Use what you got to get what you want?" I challenge you today to stop and think about what your gift is. I also challenge you to stop and think about how you use that gift to bless not only yourself but also others. Some of us are healers (born that way) and never stop to use that God-given gift. Some of us heal by listening; some by playing an instrument or singing to heal or bless others. Some of us are silent healers as we simply listen as someone shares. There are a plethora of ways to share our gift. What is your gift and how are you using it to be a blessing to others?


Think about what your gift is; identify it and use it for the glory of God. Use that gift daily and watch how peaceful it makes you. Change others lives with your gift. Let your gift also bless you.


You are placed on this planet to leave your indelible mark on this world. Use it and watch how others are blessed.




Akosua McCray

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